Based in Perth, Western Australia, Allan Boyd has been delivering performance poetry at and organising dynamic poetry arts and music events since 1995.
He has performed his "difficult and acerbic words" as featured guest of the Queensland Poetry Festival; Melbourne Overload Poetry Festival; Newcastle This Is Not Art; Electrofringe and National Young Writers Festivals; the WA Poetry Festival; Artrage; Perth International Arts Festival; WA Fringe and others.
He is also singer/songwriter/guitarist for Perth original bands, MiteyKo and Blac Blocs - and creates music and soundscapes for film, theatre, tv and radio as well as live laptop sonics as Bozo.
Whilst studying creative writing at Curtin University he founded the popular Openmouth Poetry sessions at PICA Bar in Perth from 1996-2001, published a regular poetzine: Woodwork - as well as organised countless other poetry/music events since in WA, NSW and Melbourne.
His radical poetry and experimental short stories have been published in various journals and underground publications around Australia.
His Antipoet Manifesto, written as Emerging Writer in Residence at the Fellowship of Australian Writers WA in 2004, has been distributed across the planet.
Allan is a regular presenter/producer at Perth's largest community radio station RTRFM. He is also a web-designer/developer, administrator, graphic-artist, editor, activist, photographer and psuedo-journalistic hack.
Allan was a featured guest at the 2008 Melbourne Overload Poetry, and is organising events for the WA Poetry Festival 2008. He is the WA Poet Host for the Australian National Poetry Slam Perth heats.
Allan also facilitates workshops on performance poetry, experimental writing, zine-making, stencil-making and web-publishing.
He is currently teaching Creative Writing at Curtin University...
Contact: antipoet@radicalhack.com || phone: 0402 573 580

allan boyd - otherwise known as "the antipoet" has been reading, performing and organising poetry since the mid1990s. As an undergrad at Curtin he edited the Naked Eye Journal and Grok Magazine Poetry page.
He founded the monthly, then fortnightly "Openmouth Poetry Readings" at PICA Bar from 1996-2000. From this he published and launched the quarterly Poet Zine: "Woodwork". He also organised many spin-off events featuring poetry and music collaborations honing his delivery skills as a performance poet.
With Poet/Cellist Kevin Gillam he formed the Perth indie-pop cello-infused "MiteyKo" - who have released three well-recieved CDs and can be heard on RTRFM and occasionaly on TripleJ. Kevin and Allan are also members of the Furphy Project - a new hybrid poetry/soundart group, dedicated to bringing performance poetry into Perth venues.
as the antipoet, Allan has performed his in-yr-face acerbic performance-style poetry on his own and with many perth bands and electronic producers and with his key-jay skills provides a laptop-soundscapes and videoscapes to his performance work.
In 2001, 2002 and 2003 he was deeply involved with the organisation of the This Is Not Art Festivals and National Young Writer Festival in Newcastle NSW. This year he was Emerging Writer in Residence at FAWWA - Tom Collins House.
He has just returned from Melbourne for the Overload Poetry Festival 2004 where he was a guest performer, panelist and workshop coordinator.
He embraces Copyleft principles and has just written the "Antipoet Manifesto" - which can be read on his antipoet blog. He has been included on various recorded poetry compilations in Australia and been published in countless Zines, websites and publications across the globe.
He is also a founding member of Perth Indymedia - an online Open Publishing venture based on activist-journalism and encourages grass-roots participation. Allan is also a Stencil Artist - experimenting with poetry, images and spraypaint. He makes and collaborates on Zines and facilitates workshops on Experimental and Perfomance poetry...
He is also a presenter on RTRFM Talks based shows:
News From Nowhere and Perth Indymedia Radical Radio...
MITEYKO Jenifa Music Video Release oct04:
See more: Jenifa Video Launch
Hello antipoet. I think I might have seen you at the Brisbane Poetry Festival but I was so drunk it might have been a different antipoet. I read your manifesto here from so long ago and was wondering if you still felt the same way. Have you emerged yet? Or are you in a constant state of emerging? Anyway just dropped by to say hello from one anarchist poet (and inventor of the antihaiku) to one antipoet anarchist. Hello.
Hello again, a bit over a year later. The internet is vast but I have bumped into you again via goingdownswinging this time. How odd.
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