good evening, he said, his spit drips to the mic
and welcome to a taste of the waste of the time of yr life
hi honey i'm home he says, u made me what i am today
all hot n taut n pocketsful of sand
i am a simple-minded product of destructive process
in the jesuschrist latter-day plastic mission brown reflections
did u see the news, she said, pale-faced and panic
the sign on the wall spells alarmed alert and closing
of the whitebread-is-better world
of the entertainment of meaninglessness meaninglessness
of deadless lives and tv menstrual media cycles
of uber-capitalist intentions; of product placement inventions
of the notion of yr freedom is a fit chick bastard
nipples hard n draped across a billboard car
i'm inside this bakery oven - listenin for the rise
close to the flex of yr eyes, the gas of yr breath on my face
yr ears hot, you think i'm some kind of spitting chip reject
yr fat splatter facials like suburban criminality - force fed liability
my biceps flexing against yr skin. in this candlelight light
hey he's like some cello-ised malfunction with bruised and brutal werdscapes
not meaning twisted like more than thus this then they
but i am this voice below the surface of you and you and you
am i this invention of an anti-corporate sloganeering bastard
of emotive tears waiting without years of bloodlust intentions
wanting to fuck everyone in this room at once...
come on baby - can we do the collective grind
the sweet taste of yr shower-clean, sweating skin.
we report to the masses in snippets of overheard conversations for sale
and gettin cut on the overboarded razor-wire; losing satellite phones to the pt hedland tides
stealing salty refugees from the arms of a corporatised australia
in rental cars on a gunbarrel highway our mission a failure
so do we sit ill-equipped on the verge of
the chronic aparthied of convenience; of profit-bred subservience to the global capital
of the memorandums of understanding between the business of culture and country
oh the humanity, humanity...
the relaxed and comfortable lies of a generation of land theft and genocide
here in this terra nullis and voidus. avoiding any inflection of apology or treaty or compassion
we kill the self-control - the end of a self managed society is right here in this room
in yr chair, inside yr body squirming - but hey can u FEEEEEL it?
and the humanity is dead poetry rotting on a concrete street; a faded asbestos logo
on girdered prefab lifestyles - buying new old lives in empty fortified streets
with some change in my pocket going dingalingaling
is this the diaspora of everything - this manufactured consent of you?
and if i'm a loaf of bitter broken bloated bread, of stale and crusty blend
i'm not yr average racist man yr context manipulator of frothy lager tales
my bowser breath is seldom there in this barefoot revolution
the price of petrol never concerning my handout - input output garbage in garbage out
but i'm chaining my minds to your trees, and fences and walls and footpaths with words
waitng for the pigs on freeway bridges and train station detentions
to collapse with boredom of news entertainment sensation
not like some spindox press release geese waiting for the sheep to edit my balls
or slam the feet of the golden fleece; of the nuggetary finds of the cyanide manifesto
we break like that into packets of chants: no-ing no-ing we wont going
were here and queer and we dont want any more fucking beer
when culture becomes the product of starvation; all the colours of the body
we throb for each others lives and scream at the theft of moments.
when the 6 degrees of bareback separation comes inside me - without protection
we shout at the microwaves and wireless heads convulsing; regurgitating on the stages
in plain view of the rages of a mediocre on-sell child-care society
and we sleep in threes on the floor of this dying planet - oblivious to the critical mass.
of the death of a planet that does not need humans.
here we are then
at the end of an oil-driven global economy that makes rich fuckers richer and poor fuckers starve
but the apathy is my mantra you say we say they say...
29 October 2004
28 October 2004
one night only... this thursday @ artrage
Revolutionary spoken word collective The Furphy Project return with a night of artists at the forefront of Perth’s avant-garde. As they premiere new works, witness the resuscitation of poetry through shots of new media, electronic music and live art.
Fresh from respective successful eastern states tours, experience the anxious suburban hyperactivity of Tomás Ford’s Cabaret Of Death; Gabrielle Everall’s randy musicngs on love/lust; and the full-thrust political polemics of the Antipoet - with cello by Kevin Gillam. Expect: performed poetry vs new-media fusions; sex-textual video projections; spoken word electronica and musicasious hybridity!
Filling the line-up out into a full night of entertainment, The Denton Duo will also perform their electronic stand up storytelling and several open mic slots will be available for new performers to get up and upstage the headliners.
The show takes place on Thursday, October 28 at The Bakery on James Street (entry down side of Metro City) in Northbridge as part of this year’s Artrage program. Entry is $5. [ see also ]
Please phone me on 0402 573 580 for more details..
allan boyd - aka the antipoet
ps I'll also have some stencil artworks and zines for trade/swap/sale.
Also, following the "Writer Is Dead" performances and open readings: from around 10.30pm, onwards, the Perth Indymedia crew will screen several works including "Violent Blue Light Ghosts" the multi-award winning film by WA's Richard Eames. Screenings will also include MiteyKo's Jenifa Video and the Oceania Indymedia Newsreal - a fresh collection of Activist-Media from the region. Sonic and video improvisations will also prevail...stick around!
one night only... this thursday @ artrage
Revolutionary spoken word collective The Furphy Project return with a night of artists at the forefront of Perth’s avant-garde. As they premiere new works, witness the resuscitation of poetry through shots of new media, electronic music and live art.
Fresh from respective successful eastern states tours, experience the anxious suburban hyperactivity of Tomás Ford’s Cabaret Of Death; Gabrielle Everall’s randy musicngs on love/lust; and the full-thrust political polemics of the Antipoet - with cello by Kevin Gillam. Expect: performed poetry vs new-media fusions; sex-textual video projections; spoken word electronica and musicasious hybridity!
Filling the line-up out into a full night of entertainment, The Denton Duo will also perform their electronic stand up storytelling and several open mic slots will be available for new performers to get up and upstage the headliners.
The show takes place on Thursday, October 28 at The Bakery on James Street (entry down side of Metro City) in Northbridge as part of this year’s Artrage program. Entry is $5. [ see also ]
Please phone me on 0402 573 580 for more details..
allan boyd - aka the antipoet
ps I'll also have some stencil artworks and zines for trade/swap/sale.
Also, following the "Writer Is Dead" performances and open readings: from around 10.30pm, onwards, the Perth Indymedia crew will screen several works including "Violent Blue Light Ghosts" the multi-award winning film by WA's Richard Eames. Screenings will also include MiteyKo's Jenifa Video and the Oceania Indymedia Newsreal - a fresh collection of Activist-Media from the region. Sonic and video improvisations will also prevail...stick around!
25 October 2004
24 October 2004
link to my band's basic site:

above stills from video shown on RAGE this weekend! see for more details of the animated miteyKo video made by Richard Eames and Helena Tay Li-Ya... if yr in perth, u can see the video on thursday night [28oct]. see here...
above stills from video shown on RAGE this weekend! see for more details of the animated miteyKo video made by Richard Eames and Helena Tay Li-Ya... if yr in perth, u can see the video on thursday night [28oct]. see here...
The writer is dead... a performance by 3 of perth's most exciting avant garde poets featuring spoken word rants and porno-jam slide shows. tomas ford's cabaret of death, gabrielle everall, and miteyKo's anitpoet & kevin gillam star in this Artrage event. after the werdz JENIFA & VIOLENT BLUE LIGHT GHOSTS will be screened followed by improvised laptop noise battery! at $5 a head it's bargain fun even yr grandmother would enjoy!!![]()
stencil art in backyards
some recent stencil images from my backyard - posted on
click on the thumb to get larger image...

Note: last pic - mattress features JF Wrestling Ghouls "Kowboy_Sunnies" 2003 : )
[click zine cover pic below to see jf at work - tina03...]

click on the thumb to get larger image...
Note: last pic - mattress features JF Wrestling Ghouls "Kowboy_Sunnies" 2003 : )
[click zine cover pic below to see jf at work - tina03...]
15 October 2004
[reading derrida was like reading broken mud, he said, she said - some fractured sun]
s'adirred derrida: s'adirred derrida:
dadaderrida - not heart-shaped biscuits of molten memory
1. werd on the walls and pavement: not like circa 68
JD's new wave sew-on, bolt-on, arse-reams of colonic mastication: his thick bells of burning treacle stuff
crammed into the brickened blocks: of core units
of institutional mass-communicational digresions.
so to then;
we flick lights like fidges on the inside like:
the eyes of the inside of the inside of the dollar signs -
and immigratory, philosophical and invisible borders,
of rejecting intricate bulldozers of christ money;
of meaning. of catholic bottles of patriarchal reliance;
like deconstruction restoration
an anarchist mongrel-bitch
we cud it. chew on brother.
chew on baby. cud it.
cud it up like derrida.
because always never still, and what is ideology,
a herd of bent werdz: all pitch-streched
like this distorted wet chord; bleeding meaningless meanings
towards evolutive, transient and salient regeneration.
or of some some some some knee-deep patrimonial acid-check a bionic literary fuck-table - sucking at the rubber/plastic
the rotting carcas - split like a porn-starz mobile;
unless without time: them stealth-drivers
werds have less meaning less oceanic meaning.
but or less meaning
did we mean meaning?
1b. de-fam-i-liar-i-s---a-tion
[tion] [tion] [tion] [tion]
thus her battered/frayed dictionary-style:
today she talks like: kitchen centre bathrooms
and capital L grass-roots abortionists,
we spill each other's cups or souveneir plates -
us sheer culture-convicts.
weeping in climate change meanings.
eating the same text twice
and twice again and again twice
like between semiotic myths: werds just binary code
of biosemiotic energy - of love
smelt like wrought iron pigs; he cooked slick with tricks n
bits of fish and mutilated remnants of textual relativity
of inca sensitivity - eaten like all the bibles signs:
them all-star situationistas still talking basher
on the meth in gin stoic-cheeked, tongue-rollin coloured-ball ritual.
2. still i sat, sitting on my hands and sit on my hands,
she said of the filthiest projections. dappled light leaves.
her/his/them laugh-a-minute kartoon-porn;
of muscle-bound theorists indymedia cohorted chasms
even anabolic dreams drift west in boats of meaning
saying real men understand soil, she said,
saying sayings of sayings: of arbitrary signposts
of metonymic stance. of state-o-matic trance.
3. however, this time we turfed the signssignifiersignified:
the magna-carta'd representations; the stem-cellin members
soprano-mafia made offers - neither understood or refused;
the play-school hegemony
such as it is
that i am it : it is i as i am.
i said she went. she said.
am i this polite syntactic werd structure
of how many dead derridas does it take
to change a semiotic decision.
how many. how many.
this this red derrida menace all toothy and white
deconstructed constructions. all gas-light 1970s gloss
4. his corpse but
ever more potent than the meaning of cancer
than the meaning of everything.
the everything of meaning
of meaning of meaning
: : : antipoet__14oct04 : : :
"...From the invisible inside, where I could neither see nor want the very thing I have always been scared to have revealed on the scanner, by 'analysis' — radiology, echography, endocrinology, hematology — a crural vein expelled my blood outside that I thought beautiful once stored in that bottle under a label that I doubted could avoid confusion or misappropriation of the vintage, leaving me nothing more to do, the inside of my life exhibiting itself outside, 'expressing' itself before my eyes, absolved without a gesture, dare I say of writing if I compare the pen to the syringe, and I always dream of a pen that would be a syringe, a suction point rather than that very hard weapon with which one must inscribe, incise, choose, calculate, take ink before filtering the inscribable. playing the keyboard on the screen, whereas here, once the right vein has been found, no more toil, no responsibility, no risk of bad taste or violence, the blood delivers itself all alone, the inside gives itself up, and you can do as you like with it, it's me but I'm no longer there..." derrida]..
SEE ALSO: Interview with Derrida
[Jacques Derrida] For a justice to come - by Lieven De Cauter Monday, Apr. 05, 2004 [posted on belgium.indymedia]
s'adirred derrida: s'adirred derrida:
dadaderrida - not heart-shaped biscuits of molten memory
1. werd on the walls and pavement: not like circa 68
JD's new wave sew-on, bolt-on, arse-reams of colonic mastication: his thick bells of burning treacle stuff
crammed into the brickened blocks: of core units
of institutional mass-communicational digresions.
so to then;
we flick lights like fidges on the inside like:
the eyes of the inside of the inside of the dollar signs -
and immigratory, philosophical and invisible borders,
of rejecting intricate bulldozers of christ money;
of meaning. of catholic bottles of patriarchal reliance;
like deconstruction restoration
an anarchist mongrel-bitch
we cud it. chew on brother.
chew on baby. cud it.
cud it up like derrida.
because always never still, and what is ideology,
a herd of bent werdz: all pitch-streched
like this distorted wet chord; bleeding meaningless meanings
towards evolutive, transient and salient regeneration.
or of some some some some knee-deep patrimonial acid-check a bionic literary fuck-table - sucking at the rubber/plastic
the rotting carcas - split like a porn-starz mobile;
unless without time: them stealth-drivers
werds have less meaning less oceanic meaning.
but or less meaning
did we mean meaning?
1b. de-fam-i-liar-i-s---a-tion
[tion] [tion] [tion] [tion]
thus her battered/frayed dictionary-style:
today she talks like: kitchen centre bathrooms
and capital L grass-roots abortionists,
we spill each other's cups or souveneir plates -
us sheer culture-convicts.
weeping in climate change meanings.
eating the same text twice
and twice again and again twice
like between semiotic myths: werds just binary code
of biosemiotic energy - of love
smelt like wrought iron pigs; he cooked slick with tricks n
bits of fish and mutilated remnants of textual relativity
of inca sensitivity - eaten like all the bibles signs:
them all-star situationistas still talking basher
on the meth in gin stoic-cheeked, tongue-rollin coloured-ball ritual.
2. still i sat, sitting on my hands and sit on my hands,
she said of the filthiest projections. dappled light leaves.
her/his/them laugh-a-minute kartoon-porn;
of muscle-bound theorists indymedia cohorted chasms
even anabolic dreams drift west in boats of meaning
saying real men understand soil, she said,
saying sayings of sayings: of arbitrary signposts
of metonymic stance. of state-o-matic trance.
3. however, this time we turfed the signssignifiersignified:
the magna-carta'd representations; the stem-cellin members
soprano-mafia made offers - neither understood or refused;
the play-school hegemony
such as it is
that i am it : it is i as i am.
i said she went. she said.
am i this polite syntactic werd structure
of how many dead derridas does it take
to change a semiotic decision.
how many. how many.
this this red derrida menace all toothy and white
deconstructed constructions. all gas-light 1970s gloss
4. his corpse but
ever more potent than the meaning of cancer
than the meaning of everything.
the everything of meaning
of meaning of meaning
: : : antipoet__14oct04 : : :
"...From the invisible inside, where I could neither see nor want the very thing I have always been scared to have revealed on the scanner, by 'analysis' — radiology, echography, endocrinology, hematology — a crural vein expelled my blood outside that I thought beautiful once stored in that bottle under a label that I doubted could avoid confusion or misappropriation of the vintage, leaving me nothing more to do, the inside of my life exhibiting itself outside, 'expressing' itself before my eyes, absolved without a gesture, dare I say of writing if I compare the pen to the syringe, and I always dream of a pen that would be a syringe, a suction point rather than that very hard weapon with which one must inscribe, incise, choose, calculate, take ink before filtering the inscribable. playing the keyboard on the screen, whereas here, once the right vein has been found, no more toil, no responsibility, no risk of bad taste or violence, the blood delivers itself all alone, the inside gives itself up, and you can do as you like with it, it's me but I'm no longer there..." derrida]..
SEE ALSO: Interview with Derrida
[Jacques Derrida] For a justice to come - by Lieven De Cauter Monday, Apr. 05, 2004 [posted on belgium.indymedia]
07 October 2004
antipoet BIO - updated jun09
Based in Perth, Western Australia, Allan Boyd has been delivering performance poetry at and organising dynamic poetry arts and music events since 1995.
He has performed his "difficult and acerbic words" as featured guest of the Queensland Poetry Festival; Melbourne Overload Poetry Festival; Newcastle This Is Not Art; Electrofringe and National Young Writers Festivals; the WA Poetry Festival; Artrage; Perth International Arts Festival; WA Fringe and others.
He is also singer/songwriter/guitarist for Perth original bands, MiteyKo and Blac Blocs - and creates music and soundscapes for film, theatre, tv and radio as well as live laptop sonics as Bozo.
Whilst studying creative writing at Curtin University he founded the popular Openmouth Poetry sessions at PICA Bar in Perth from 1996-2001, published a regular poetzine: Woodwork - as well as organised countless other poetry/music events since in WA, NSW and Melbourne.
His radical poetry and experimental short stories have been published in various journals and underground publications around Australia.
His Antipoet Manifesto, written as Emerging Writer in Residence at the Fellowship of Australian Writers WA in 2004, has been distributed across the planet.
Allan is a regular presenter/producer at Perth's largest community radio station RTRFM. He is also a web-designer/developer, administrator, graphic-artist, editor, activist, photographer and psuedo-journalistic hack.
Allan was a featured guest at the 2008 Melbourne Overload Poetry, and is organising events for the WA Poetry Festival 2008. He is the WA Poet Host for the Australian National Poetry Slam Perth heats.
Allan also facilitates workshops on performance poetry, experimental writing, zine-making, stencil-making and web-publishing.
He is currently teaching Creative Writing at Curtin University...
Contact: || phone: 0402 573 580

allan boyd - otherwise known as "the antipoet" has been reading, performing and organising poetry since the mid1990s. As an undergrad at Curtin he edited the Naked Eye Journal and Grok Magazine Poetry page.
He founded the monthly, then fortnightly "Openmouth Poetry Readings" at PICA Bar from 1996-2000. From this he published and launched the quarterly Poet Zine: "Woodwork". He also organised many spin-off events featuring poetry and music collaborations honing his delivery skills as a performance poet.
With Poet/Cellist Kevin Gillam he formed the Perth indie-pop cello-infused "MiteyKo" - who have released three well-recieved CDs and can be heard on RTRFM and occasionaly on TripleJ. Kevin and Allan are also members of the Furphy Project - a new hybrid poetry/soundart group, dedicated to bringing performance poetry into Perth venues.
as the antipoet, Allan has performed his in-yr-face acerbic performance-style poetry on his own and with many perth bands and electronic producers and with his key-jay skills provides a laptop-soundscapes and videoscapes to his performance work.
In 2001, 2002 and 2003 he was deeply involved with the organisation of the This Is Not Art Festivals and National Young Writer Festival in Newcastle NSW. This year he was Emerging Writer in Residence at FAWWA - Tom Collins House.
He has just returned from Melbourne for the Overload Poetry Festival 2004 where he was a guest performer, panelist and workshop coordinator.
He embraces Copyleft principles and has just written the "Antipoet Manifesto" - which can be read on his antipoet blog. He has been included on various recorded poetry compilations in Australia and been published in countless Zines, websites and publications across the globe.
He is also a founding member of Perth Indymedia - an online Open Publishing venture based on activist-journalism and encourages grass-roots participation. Allan is also a Stencil Artist - experimenting with poetry, images and spraypaint. He makes and collaborates on Zines and facilitates workshops on Experimental and Perfomance poetry...
He is also a presenter on RTRFM Talks based shows:
News From Nowhere and Perth Indymedia Radical Radio...
MITEYKO Jenifa Music Video Release oct04:
See more: Jenifa Video Launch
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