16/23/30th September - $3/5entry
witness the fitness the poetry the poetry... go
SUB-VERSE -Poetry Performance/Readings - Queer, Political, Environmental, Experimental, Social Justice, Feminist, Performance antics etc - Like stuff what matters.
Venue: PERTH TOWN HALL Cnr Barrack and Hay Sts Perth.
Got something to say? Want to change the world or feel strongly about an issue? Just feel like ranting poetically? Got a stream of conscious needs airing? Are you a Hip-Hop Bush Poet? Or just word curious? A dose of spoken words from the underground...
Come along to the SubVerse Readings on Fridays throughout September and speak your massive words to the world.
We have hijacked the Perth Town Hall and we want YOU do be a creative dissident poet - or just come along to be inspired.
Open mic and bangin featured action. With a stiff focus on Performance Poetry.
Bring your hanky. All styles... Houseband: antipoet and the black bloc
Step up!
Friday 2nd Sept - 730
Friday 16th Sep 7.30pm
Friday 23rd Sep 7.30pm
Friday 30th Sep 7.30pm for the WA SPRING POETRY FESTIVAL Closing Party.
Part of the plethora of events happening throughout September 05 for the WASpringPoetryFest_05 - thewordisout.net
Get some.
c'mon down and get a grip
of some poetry fresh
all you can eat
the poets
a cleaver
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