Openface is the performance poetry event of 2006: Experience a series of dynamic events this weekend at the Artrage Bakery complex, including the mammoth performance poetry extravaganza on Saturday 9th September with over 50 performers in one night...
Poetry is alive and cranking as hundreds of poets participate in the second annual WA Spring Poetry Festival. Throughout the festival local, regional, interstate and international poets converge on the Bakery Artrage Complex, James St Northbridge and many other venues for a poetic frenzy. See website for full programme: www.thewordisout.net
This weekend. The poets are at war with the State. Recognise!
This weekend (9-10th September) sees a bold allstar poetic performance experiment complete with workshops, discussions, a guerrilla zine fair, an exhibition of found v text, and the WA Poetry Festival Closing Party!
"An exorcise in poetisonic hybridity"
Saturday 9th September: a night of performance poetry and sonic hybrids: featuring Perth's own Antipoet and the all new Black Bloc Band, Catastrophe, Sordid Remnants and other cutting edge sound music/poetry collaborations.
Featured performance poets include: Vivienne Glance, Janet Jackson, Jazmin and the fiery Stephanie Chen. The hip-styles of Krazie Kraze, the very political Ray Grenfell, the minimalist Mar Bucknell, Bunbury's infamous "8 Head Shot" Barry Parsons. Other roving festival poets and WA National Slam team entrant "Team_X" will comprise the local component.
Powerful Arabic Poetry by Oman poet - Abdu; Also chronic Melbourne poets, Jen Jewel Brown, Steve Smart fresh from the Overload Festival, and sound poet, Ashley J Higgs will also star in this hectic night of poetic hybrid actions. From 8pm til late at Artrage Bakery - 233 James st, Northbridge. Entry $5/3 donation.
Poets Breakfast:
Sunday 10th September - at the Bakery from noon: Barbeque Open Poetry reading with real eggs, real meat, real vegetables, real beer, real guests and realistic poets. Music and poet DJs. Free entry

Sunday 10th September - at the Bakery from 8pm docile poets. Unwind to a few artsy short films, sonic collaborations and music by Miteyko, Leon Ewing, Corazon de Vaca's "Urban Dreaming" - and other special surprise performances! Entry by donation.
Guerrilla Zine Fair:
Saturday and Sunday 2pm - bring yr poems, comics, zines, chapbooks, cds, stickers, posters, stencils, tapes, jars to swap share trade sell. guest poet djs.
Performance Poetry Techniques Workshops:
Sunday 10th September 2-4pm - performance/recording poetry with allan boyd & Vivienne Glance. Open to all. Free entry.
SAT9th - 4-6pm: Alternate Means of Writing with Zan Ross, allan boyd, Michael Farrell, ashley j higgs, Pierre van Osselaer, Scott Patrick Mitchell - a bent poetic discussion on radical language actions.
SUN10th 4-6pm how to build a perth poetry scene - poetry organising community feedback - open discussion - all welcome to input.
TXTIBISHN: text-styled pieces of poet art: found objects v text for exhibit across the Bakery during the WA Poetry Festival.
For any information about the above events please contact:
Allan Boyd: 0402 573 580 / (08) 9307 9273
email: allanx@indymedia.org
web: antipoet.blogspot.com
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